
The last (and decisive) mile for customers recovery using intelligence along with a killer offer

By using intelligent resources we revert wishes to cancel a service or even recover revenues after a cancellation. We use a custom approach for each point of contact, thanks to the use of advanced Data Science resources. In addition, at a critical complaint points, we implement cancellation islands, or design proactive actions, also creating a fully customized alternative offering. Our CX consultancy can use the complaints data analysis to identify the root cause of cancellation requests and converting a reactive process into a proactive interaction.



Complaints Reductions

We minimize complaints from the start, based on cancellations root cause.

Lower Retention Costs

By leveraging on “Next Best Action” and “Next Best Offer” analytics models.

NPS Improvement

Transforming complaints into loyal customers.


Areas of CX Consultancy, Quality Insights and Process Consultancy focusing on the performance of root problems that generate cancellation.

Use of Data Science to evaluate and define the best offer and argumentation.

Focusing on NPS improvement along with the retention cost x revenue forecast analysis.

Key figures

85 % of portfolio retained

with no discount offer

Up to 25 p.p.

In overall retention index

65 % retention rate

on total cancellations